The Vegan / Plant-Based Diet

So, I have been on the fence for awhile now on going all in on a vegan or plant-based diet. My main struggles were finding alternatives to some of my favorite foods (a.k.a BUFFALO WINGS AND FETA CHEESE). Over the past month or so I realized that many of the meals I make on a daily basis are in fact vegan and/or need just a slight tweak in order to be plant-based. I’ve started experimenting in the kitchen and have found a new passion for cooking because I’ve always hated cooking. In that short time, I found a great replacement for buffalo wings (using cauliflower) and adding nuts to my salads instead of cheese (hard substitute, but it works). I would say I am just a beginner in this new world I’ve entered, but I would like to share with you exactly what a vegan or plant-based diet is, why I made the switch, and some quick tips on how to start:


What is it?

The vegan diet is one where you abstain from eating animal products. This includes meat, dairy, and fish, which then includes burgers, chicken, ice cream, yogurt, shrimp cocktails, and a lot more. Just reading and understanding what this diet consists of can be a shock for most people and I’m telling you it definitely was for me! “Not eating meat! There is just no way” I told myself a countless amount of times. A question that is often asked is whether there is a difference between being vegan or plant-based and there is, but it’s very minimal. A strictly vegan diet abstains from absolutely all animal products while a plant-based diet focuses on consuming foods that come from plants and not necessarily eliminating all animal products.

The vegan diet consists of fruits & vegetables, starchy carbohydrates, and protein (yes, there are many alternatives to animal-protein).

I will say, and this is from my personal experience/opinion, that in the years growing up through middle, high school, and some of college, the plant-based diet wasn’t something that was brought up to me much nor did I see it as much as I do now. With major brands incorporating ‘fan favorite’ plant-based substitutes and new vegan restaurants opening up, it has showed me that this world, this “vegan lifestyle”, is something that is doable and livable.


Why do it?

Making the switch to a vegan diet has been shown that it is great for your health because you aren’t getting the needed vitamins, proteins, and minerals from animal products, which contain chloesterol and saturated animal fat, and instead are getting it from plants. It also greatly improves gut health and one of the reasons for that is a plant-based diet is high in fiber, which lowers cholesterol and helps stabalize your blood-sugar levels. All the nutrients absorbed being vegan lowers inflammation in the body and improves your immune system.

Not only is it healthy for your body, but it is great for the environment, too! Science research reveals that meat and dairy production is responsible for 60% of agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions.


Where to start?

The first thing to do is note your favorite foods that are animal based and then find substitutes for them. If you love cows milk, try almond or oat milk, if you love buffalo wings, try buffalo cauliflower, if you love ice cream, try Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy ice cream. Once you find substitutions for your favorite foods you can then fill in the in-between, then you’ll find yourself doing and thinking of it consistently. Of course, depending on your personal dietary needs, it can be difficult to fully transition into a vegan lifestyle. But, the goal is to reduce or eliminate as much animal products from our diets as possible.


What really pushed me into doing this lifestyle was watching the documentary “What the Health?” on Netflix. It talks about the importance of the vegan diet and its connection to the major corporations in the health and wellness sector. Check it out here!


Make sure to check out the recipes section for some of my vegan recipes!


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Vegan Pumpkin Muffins


Vegan Chocolate Protein Milkshake