The Foods Causing your Skin to Breakout

As much as we hate to admit it, some of our favorite foods are causing our skin to have serious breakouts. Of course, individually we might have specific foods that are causing inflammation while others may not, which is why I definitely recommend getting tested for a gluten intolerance and going to an allergists to see what particular foods could be triggering you. Here are some common foods that cause inflammation or little bumps on our face and neck area:

  • SUGARY FOODS! – I know this was probably an obvious one, but sugar is a major cause of inflammation and a trigger for hormonal acne. When you eat refined and processed carbohydrates (ie; white sugar), your blood sugar levels increase at a faster rate, and your pancreas responds by releasing insulin.

  • Dairy Products – It is always a sad day when you get reminded how bad cheese can be to your body. Cow’s milk contains amino acids that stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1, which has been linked to the development of acne. Thankfully, within the past few years, we are seeing an increase in added substitutions for these dairy products (ie; almond & oat milk, plant-based ice creams, etc).

  • Whey Protein – Another major reason why dairy products cause us to breakout is due to whey protein. Whey protein is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. Whey protein can also cause digestional issues for sensitive stomachs (we are trying to fight the bad bloat).

  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids – Foods that contain omega-6 fatty acids, such as soy and other seed oils are known precursors to inflammation and have been associated with acne. Therefore, eating a lot of omega-3’s, like fish and nuts, can actually help clear your skin from breakouts and blemishes.


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New York City Travel Blog: Food Edition