Why you Should Replace your Cup of Coffee with Tea

The first thing most people do in the morning is either make a cup or coffe or stop on the way to get a cup of coffee. Coffee does give a boost of energy that helps people be productive throughout the day. Some people may also use it as a meal or snack replacement, which can help curve added calories elsewhere. But, coffee can become extremely unhealthy when too much is being consumed. According to a study done by the University of Melbourne, coffee is the “most commonly used psychoactive drug”. The study also showed the combination of caffeine and stress can cause an individual to experience psychosis-like symptoms. Also, according to a study done at Carnegie Mellon University, shows that coffee can stimulate the heart and cause shallow breathing. People who suffer from anxiety and depression can experience enhanced symptoms when drinking coffee.

Some people also may begin to ‘crash’ and experience jittery effects when the caffeine in coffee begins to wear off. During this period, your cognitive performance can decrease and it can create a negative impact on your mood.

Now, let’s talk about why you should replace your cup of coffee in the morning with tea instead!

Tea is anything that comes from the Camellia sinensis in East Asia. Drinking too much tea in one day can also have its negative effects on the body. According to Dr. Simran Saini, “Excess tea consumption may hinder absorbtion of essential nutrients such as iron to the body.” This pertains to most teas but especially black tea. Three cups of tea maximum should be had in one day. The list of positive benefits for drinking tea far exceeds the negative. A study conducted shows that tea helps to fight inflammation in the body. Another study shows that tea can be an aid in weight loss and lowers chances of cancer and stroke. This same study also shows how regular tea drinkers have a younger biological age than non-tea drinkers. Coffee is also more acidic and can be harsh on our digestive systems making tea a better option.

From over 20,000 teas in the world, which one should you start with? I’m going to tell you my top three favorite teas and their health benefits.


Green Tea: This tea was originally used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicinal practices to control bleeding, heal wounds, aid digestion, and improve heart and mental health because it contains many antioxidants that help boost the immune system. In a study done by the National Cancer Institute, the polyphenols in tea have been shown to decrease tumor growth related to cancer in laboratory and animal studies.

  • A study done in a Cochrane Systematic Review found that people who drink green tea after their meal burned more fat than people who didn’t. This is because the caffeine found in green tea acts as a stimulant in the body and the antioxidants found called catechins, helps burn fat and boost metabolism. Green tea also has no carbs, no sugar, and no calories.

  • It is also proven to aid in brain function. According to a journal published in Psychopharmacology, “Green tea enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory process, improving task performance.”

  • Green tea can also lower your chance of stroke and heart disease. According to Dr. Yoshihiro Kokubo, Ph.D, “This is the first large-scale study to examine the combined effects of both green tea and coffee on stroke risks. You may make a small but positive lifestyle change to help lower the risk of stroke by adding daily green tea to your diet.”

  • Green tea can be found in any supermarket or local store and is commonly sold as tea bags, supplements, or even bottled. To add taste to regular green tea, you can add a drop of honey or squeeze lemon/lime. I also highly recommend trying matcha green tea, which is more creamy and sweet than regular green tea.


Hibiscus Tea: This tea is produced from the hibiscus plant that is mostly found in North Africa and Southeast Asia. Its flavor is very similar to cranberry juice.

  • Hibiscus tea is known for being packed with antioxidants that lower inflammation in the body and helps to keep our skin youthful and wrinkle-free. Like other teas, hibiscus also helps to lower inflammation in the body which helps boost our immune system.

  • One study shows how hibiscus tea can be linked to heart health such as lowering blood pressure. According to Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, “adults with high blood pressure who consumed three servings of 8-ounce glasses of hibiscus tea daily for six weeks saw a decrease in their overall blood pressure.”

  • Hibiscus tea has also been tied to weight loss. A study done found that consuming hibiscus extract for 12 weeks resulted in a lower body weight, less abdominal fat, and a lower BMI in overweight/obese people. It is important to note that hibiscus tea can sometimes interfere with certain medications so make sure to consult with a doctor.

  • If the flavor is too tarte, you can also add a drop of honey!


Ginger Tea: This tea comes from the root of the ginger plant and is part of the healthful spices family. This is my go-to tea when I am feeling under the weather or when I feel a cold coming on. It is also a quick and easy remedy to help boost your immune system. I also like to add a slice of lemon or a drop of honey.

  • Ginger is known to help aid in digestion because of its effects on the enzymes trypsin and pancreatic lipase. It does this by breaking down and expelling gas molecules which can alieviate constipation or other stomach cramping. Because ginger is a thermogenic, it can also be an aid in weight loss. This means it increases your body’s temperature and it burns fat more efficiently.

  • Ginger tea can also be consumed to allieviate pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties. According to this study, people who consumed 2 grams of raw or heated ginger reduced exercise-related muscle pain by almost 25%. This same study also researched ginger’s effect on menstrual cramps when taken before a cycle starts and found that most women said their cramping, bloating, and naseau had subsided.

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