The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

When apple cider is fermented with yeast and other bacterias, it creates apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has been my ‘holy grail’ for years now. It has so many benefits for your skin, hair, body, and even for stress! You only need to take 1-2 tablespoons a day, making it quick and easy to add into your morning routine. There are many different brands, but the one that I found to be the best is ‘Bragg’. Any brand you purchase should always contain the ‘mother’ ingredient. The ‘mother’ in apple cider vinegar is the protein that consists of beneficial bacteria which gives it the cloudy-like appearance.


Find it at your local supermarket such as Walmart, Shoprite, Stop and Shop and more!

If you are having trouble finding it near you, amazon also sells it! Add it to your cart here.


First, it is important to note the cons of taking apple cider vinegar. Because ACV is very acidic, it can weaken the enamel on your teeth which can eventually lead to tooth decay and cavities and cause your teeth to become more sensitive. In order to avoid that, it should be diluted in water and taken before brushing your teeth. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is mix 2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of room temperature water. After, I do my skincare routine and then I brush my teeth to wash away the acid leftover. ACV is also sold in a supplement form!


ACV Physician’s Choice Supplement Pills

Easy to swallow with the same benefits as liquid ACV!


Just Pure Apple Cider Vinegar Supplement Pills

Sold on Amazon! Add it to your cart here.



Apple cider vinegar can be used for a spot treatment, cleanser, and a hair mask! ACV has anti-inflammatory properties and also contains acetic acid and malic acid which have antibacterial properties. According to MD Melissa Piliang, when ACV is consumed, the acetic acid clears bacteria that may be related to skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, and dandruff. The citric acid in ACV has been shown to decrease wrinkles and age spots.

I also use ACV in a face mask partnered with Aztec Indian Clay Mask to help with blemishes and wrinkles. Find out more information by checking out my article about my skin care routine here!

ACV has also helped with my dandruff. Before I started taking ACV, in middle and high school, I had extremely bad dandruff and tried every dandruff shampoo you can think of, including going to a dermatologist and getting prescribed shampoo. I read a few articles saying how ACV can help with dandruff, although it wasn’t scientifically proven, but I figured it was worth a shot. That is when I started taking it in the mornings. I also dilutted it with water in a spray bottle and sprayed it to my scalp, but only a handful of times. In about a week, my itchy scalp and dandruff were basically gone! This is because the properties in ACV help balance the pH of your scalp by shedding the dead skin cells and preventing fungal growth.



Apple cider vinegar has been said to offer many health benefits such as an aid in weight loss, helps symptoms of diabetes, and lowers blood sugar levels. There have been several studies done that show ACV being an aid in weightloss by being an appetite suppressant and creating a feeling of fullness before and after a meal. I typically wait an hour after having ACV in the morning, before I have breakfast, and it definitely helps to kill those mid-day snack cravings. ACV also helps with gas and bloating, especially if you went off your diet or it is that time of the month.

To help with symptoms of diabetes, ACV has naturally occurring enzymes that aid in digestion and help lower glucose levels. There has also been a few studies done that show how ACV has helped lower blood sugar and insulin levels in diabetics.



Apple cider vinegar is a food that helps relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. This is because ACV helps break down proteins into amino acids that create tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that serves several important purposes such as nitrogen balance in adults. Once the amino acids are broken down, they help to assist with hormone function, which helps regulate stress hormones. It also creates niacin, which is essential in creating the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin helps stabilize our mood, makes us feel relaxed, and emits feelings of happiness.


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