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Vegan Avocado Lime Margarita Recipe
Recipes Mariah Martinez Recipes Mariah Martinez

Vegan Avocado Lime Margarita Recipe

After reading Kourtney Kardashians ‘vegan lime avocado’ margarita recipe, I decided to try it myself. After making a few tweaks to the original recipe, it made this healthy drink alternative even better! A recipe you’ll need for every Taco Tuesday.

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My Guacamole Recipe
Recipes Mariah Martinez Recipes Mariah Martinez

My Guacamole Recipe

Guacamole is quick, easy, and goes with almost any meal. Here is my personal recipe of one of my favorite dishes. If you’re also looking for a low-carb chip alternative, I have the solution for you.

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Green Juice
Recipes Mariah Martinez Recipes Mariah Martinez

Green Juice

If you’re thinking about doing a juice detox or you just want to start incorporating pressed juices into your daily/weekly routine, you must include a ‘green juice’. The ‘Green Supreme’ is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Read more to find out exactly what is in it and my personal favorite recipe.

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Featured Podcast Episode

Featured episode of the week – Healing through the Creative

Whether you’re an artist, in the business world, or maybe you have no idea what you’re doing at the moment, you can always tap into your creative side to help guide and heal you. I am joined by Jeanne Bessette, an artist and transformative force, to discuss different ways we can tap into the creative and no, you don’t have to be an artisit to do so. EVERYONE has a creative side and it is up to you to find out what it is and how you can use it in your healing journey.


Diving into the meaning of Muse

As a noun, it is a source of artistic inspiration. To be called a muse means you are the source of inspiration or creative thought for someone or something. As a verb it means to think about something meticulously and for a long time. I have been thinking about what it is that I want to do and what it is that I ENJOY doing. I have been researching new things and investing my time into becoming a better me physically, mentally, and spiritually and I cannot wait to share my information with you. Let this page be the MUSE for you, to take the step that you have been hesitant about, and to continue to learn and grow.

“When you know yourself, you’re empowered. When you accept yourself, you’re invincible”

— Tina Lifford