The Mercury Retrograde


What is it?

Mercury is the closest planet to both the Sun and the Earth. At this time, the planet appears to move in a  ‘backward’ motion. It is an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. In astrology, when Mercury is in Retrograde, it can have negative effects on us in our everyday lives and on our planet. This Mercury Retrograde will be in Virgo and occurs on August 23rd, causing an usual change we don’t normally see during this time in astrology.

When is it happening?

August 23 - September 14, 2023.

Why is it important?

Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts or term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, and so forth.” The Mercury Retrograde signifies problems in communication with people such as, scheduling conflicts involving purchasing and travel. “Those who dread Mercury’s retrograde motion say that, when the planet travels backward, its power to positively influence these domains is stifled, leading to chaos.”  Because this retrograde is happening in Gemini, this can intensify the misunderstandings, problems in communication, and lack of passion we would normally feel during a Mercury Retrograde.

“When a planet retrogrades, astrologically it is in a resting or sleeping state. Therefore, while Mercury naps, the activities that it governs don’t have the benefit of a well-functioning, wide-awake planet to supervise them. Expect a certain degree of pandemonium to ensue!”

You can find difficulty during this period in making decisions that will actually follow through, so instead you should focus on revising your current projects and working towards strengthening them. You can also experience plans having trouble coming together. It is said that during the Mercury retrograde you shouldn’t make any big or drastic changes/decisions in your life. It is important to be aware of what is happening around you. 

Effects on the signs

Aries – This Mercury Retrograde is going to have a direct impact on our communication in relationships. More specifically, miscommunication. Instead of projecting, try to be more of a listener to your your partner and to your own feelings.

Taurus –  It’s time to reevaluate where you are at in life and in love. Are you settling for people, things, job that are not fulfilling to you? Asses yout personal goals and take time to self-reflect. You need to redirect your energy to those that bring you pleasure and purpose.   

Gemini – The road is not blocked for you. Mercury is your ruler. You will be seeking meaningful conversations. When something comes in your way and threatens to ruin your plans, you find a way around it. You see this time as a chance to make positive improvements. You’re welcoming this challenge into your life

Cancer – This is going to be an overwhelming period of emotions for you. It may feel like you're in a constant tornado with no end in sight. You can try to be caring and loving, but it is going to feel like a fasade. Don’t prolong the inevitable, face it head on

Leo – The technology aspect of the Mercury retrograde will hit you the hardest. You may find yourself in a situation where you need your phone or need to make a call and it will not be available to you. There also may be some things that are lost in the mix. It is important to take notes, record what you need, and make sure important files are saved.  

Virgo – Mercury is also your ruler, virgo. This time for you is associated with critical thinking and self-analysis. The constant organized lifestyle you live will be put to the test and replaced with chaos and disorder. Your daily routines may start to become disheveled. Remember to stay grounded

Libra –  Many of your personal relationships will have trouble communicating. Some people may even get “cut off”. Be wary of business deals and/or contracts. People who left your life in the past, may make a re-appearance, it is up to you to decide if the outcome is going to be good or bad.  

Scorpio – You are going to continue with your day-to-day life. If something is thrown at you out-of-the-blue, you will assess it and handle it in the moment. You have the mindset that “it will stop eventually”. You may also feel like you are losing your sense of control that scorpios are known for. Let it go

Sagittarius – You’re always on the move, but the travel aspect of the Mercury retrograde will affect you the hardest. You may experience car, bus, or other travel options break-down, so have a back-up plan, just-in-case. Slow it down

Capricorn – Your constant work-flow will be halted. There will be periods of time where you feel like you aren’t doing enough and find yourself waiting on other people. At this point, you need to relax and reset

Aquarius – You may also find your technology to be unavailable in certain situations, creating an annoying time for you. As a natural-born innovator, learn some new skills and contacts that will help you by-pass this time. Make adjustments and adapt

Pisces – During this time, you will have an “off” feeling about a lot of things. Things are just not going to feel right. You may become confused and question things that are out of your hands. Find real solutions with your creative abilities

With any retrograde comes an opportunity for self-growth. This is the time to sit back and observe because during this period we absorb superior information. We can continue to self-grow by using the information we learned during this time and applying it in practical ways. 


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