The Meaning of the Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus

This year's first partial solar eclipse is happening Saturday, April 30, the same day the new moon will transition into Taurus. So what exactly does this mean? Basically, there will be a lot of shit going on. But, I’m here to break it down for you. 

So what is a solar eclipse you ask? A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth, blocking out the sun's rays for just a moment, but because this is a partial solar eclipse, the moon will not fully obscure the sun and will show a crescent shape. Solar eclipses usually represent a fun and exciting time in our lives. We could be in the process of choosing a different path in life and starting something new. In comparison to Lunar eclipses which bring out a lot of underlying emotions that are typically based in fear. This specific eclipse phase will last until October 25, 2022. Solar eclipses can help you realize that you want/need more than what you’re currently receiving, whether that be with work, internally, or in your relationships.  

With the new moon in Taurus also happening on Saturday, this will help initiate a positive change and kick you start onto the right path IF you follow the right signs. Start that new project you’ve been wanting to do, it’s time for a fresh start. This is also the second new moon of the month! Which doesn’t happen often during the moon phases. For those who don’t know, the new moon revolves around setting intentions and bringing our manifestations to fruition. 

This astrological instance will affect everyone differently based on their birth chart. But it will affect these signs the most:

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

You’re ready to begin a new chapter and it’s during this time that your manifestations are supercharged. This particular solar eclipse affects your first house which means you need to take a deeper look into who you are and your brand. Your personal brand can represent how you prove yourself in your career, how you interact with others, or even just the things you post on social media. Pay attention to any weird signs you may get as this could be the Universe’s way of showing you your manifestations are on the way.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

This is an exciting time in your life because you are either starting something new or building onto whatever it is you’ve been working on, whether that’s within your career, relationships, or even internal growth. It’s also important to note that the next solar eclipsel, happening May 15, will be in your sign Scorpio. This means the foundations you are currently building will continue to be apparent in the coming weeks.

Leo (July 23-August 22):

This solar eclipse falls in your 10th house, which represents career. It’s time to get ready to start a new phase in your professional life whether that’s starting a new job or recognition and receiving a promotion. This time also has a direct response to your love life. You’ll get a little more clingier to your significant other to try to help you find your calm during this time. It’s all about the monetary investments Leo, spend wisely.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

This is a very internal grounding time for you Aquarius because this solar eclipse falls in your fourth house which represents your home life. A flood of emotions regarding your closest people can be either good or bad depending on how you deal with the situation. These emotions need to be expressed in order to move on and lift the burden off your shoulders. Take a little time to show yourself some extra self-love this weekend.


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