Learn about Water Signs

The water element represents life, purity and renewal. Water signs are known for being sensitive, emotional, and are extremely intune with their ‘third eye’. They make decisions based on their heart and emotions instead of logic and reason. “Watery descriptions are well suited to this element: fluid, flowing, wavering. These terms can easily apply to an individual’s emotions — the realm where Water most powerfully exerts its influence.” Their imagination runs wild and they oftentimes make impulsive decisions. Most Water signs end up pursuing creative careers.    

Out of all the elements, Water signs feel their emotions more intensely than the rest. They are great empaths who can understand others emotional state and provide nurture and comfort. They will also go above and beyond for the people they love, physically and emotionally, even if that means putting everybody before themself. They are very receptive to other people's thoughts and feelings, making great listeners.  

Their downfall is their susceptibility to mood swings. Between the flood of emotions, they can become controlling and self-centered. They also can become emotionally manipulative, especially in relationships (their insecurities create jealous thoughts). When their emotions run high, their insecurities run higher. Water signs tend to get lost in their thoughts and create false scenarios in their mind, which can lead to changes in their mood.  

Water can also drown in another person’s emotional abyss if not careful because water has no boundaries. It soaks into us. The element of Water can conform to the elements around it. When mixed with fire it creates steam, with earth it creates mud and with air it creates rain.” 

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Ruled by the Moon, which is considered the most important star and represents comfort, self-care, and maternal energies. Cancers are also a ‘cardinal’ sign, meaning they are creative thinkers and they have a natural ambition to succeed. “Represented by the crab, this oceanic crustacean seamlessly weaves between the sea and shore, representing Cancer’s ability to exist in both emotional and material realms.” 

Cancers can be one of the hardest zodiac signs to get to know. They are extremely emotional and can be sensitive to their surrounding environments. They have a hard exterior, making it difficult for them to be vulnerable and open up.

They are devoted and loyal to their friends, family, and home (their safe space). The people they feel most comfortable with, they will ‘attach’ to, becoming ‘clingy’ at times. 

They experience mood swings and lack patience. During these mood swings, they become self-centered, controlling, and manipulative. They are also quick to avoid any conflict that involves them. “This is a dedicated sign, ready to make many unhealthy compromises only to keep their image of a family going, and could choose partners who are in a way selfish or abusive.”

Cancers prefer to socialize at home instead of in large gatherings. This sign also represents ‘family’. They care about their home life more than any other sign in the zodiac. “Filled with respect for people they communicate to easily, they see all contacts through their emotional prism rather than simple curiosity or status.”  

When there is a project that needs to be done, Cancers will always finish it successfully. They would rather complete it by themselves than work in a group. They are savers, not spenders, and enjoy watching their investments grow.        

Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac because they are often mistaken for Fire signs due to their powerful and passionate personalities. “Scorpio is a Water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm.” Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Scorpio in Pluto is related to darkness, intense passion, ruthlessness, and transformation. Scorpio in Mars is a combination of a bad temper and a disregard for others. The scorpion is the symbol for scorpio. "It's a tiny creature that feels threatened and protects itself with a venomous stinger." Scorpios would rather lash out than allow themselves to be vulnerable in a situation. 

Scorpios make excellent leaders because they devote themselves into anything they do. When they have a goal in mind, they are determined to achieve it, no matter how long it takes. They thoroughly think out their next move before they invest into it and aren’t afraid to take a risk if it involves something more.  

Scorpio is the “most sensual sign of the zodiac.” It may take a lot of time for a Scorpio to open up and begin to trust someone, but once they do, they are extremely passionate and intimate with their partners. “They also crave the physical closeness, spiritual illumination, and emotional intimacy that sex can provide.” If they begin to question someone's intentions, they will immediately put up walls and distance themselves. 

Out of all the water signs, Scorpio is the most aggressive. When they are set off, they will take down whatever is in their path. Their ego, oftentimes, clouds their judgement and they find it difficult to admit when they’re wrong. They easily become jealous in situations, but they try to play it off as if they’re not. When their temper is hot and high, they can also become violent. Scorpios also try to hide their insecurities and instead, they put on this strong and aggressive facade. “Power-hungry Scorpios must remember that, if controlled by their egos, they are at risk of poisoning themselves.”   

When a Scorpio is able to build trust and find a connection with someone (relationship, friendship, etc), they “demonstrate unparalleled empathy, depth, and commitment which brighten even the darkest parts of Scorpio’s magical psyche.”

Pisces (February 18 - March 19):

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, therefore, they absorb all the lessons learned from the other signs. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, which fosters creativity and dreams and it is governed by the “constellation of fishes”. It's symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces's attention between fantasy and reality. They are also the most emotional out of the Water signs and the most intuitive and spiritual (the ‘psychics’ of the zodiacs).  Due to their ‘sixth sense’, they are extremely intune with the Universe and have a connection to the sounds of music. 

Pisces are very friendly and are always in company with different kinds of people. Generous, caring, and loyal describes a Pisces. They are “selfless” and will sacrifice themselves if it means they are helping others. They are able to feel when something is wrong before it happens. If this involves their friends or family, Pisces will do whatever it takes in order to solve it. Pisces are very expressive with their emotions and they expect it to be reciprocated. Communication is key

“With their strong emotional ties, this can sometimes cause a problem for a sensitive Piscean, for sometimes they feel too much and take on others’ feelings, to a point where they’re swamped by them.” Pisces make extremely loyal partners, but they need to feel that deep connection in order for it to last. They also can become overwhelmed by their emotions. 

Pisces want to invest in a career where they are able to use their artistic and creative abilities. They are great problem-solvers and will go the extra mile to help in a situation. They also easily adapt to any situation or environment they are put in.  

On the downside, Pisces tend to avoid their problems or try to “sweep it under the rug”. They avoid confrontation by all means possible. “Those with this sun sign must be wary of mirages: These impressionable fish prefer wearing rose-colored glasses to addressing problems, which can earn Pisces a reputation for being flaky or delusional. This water sign should remember that problems can't be solved by swimming away. Willful ignorance never makes conflict disappear: It only gives it the chance to grow.”


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