Beginner Workout Plan

If you’re thinking about starting to workout, but don’t know how, this article is for you!

I actually haven’t worked out in almost a month because I have been trying to figure out how to balance work, school, and my website so I figured why not make a beginners guide to taking the first steps into the workout life and we can start this journey together. 

Anytime I go long periods of time without working out, I have to very, very gradually ease myself into the advanced, intense sessions I normally do. The first week is always the toughest and it is a big mental game. There will be multiple times where you feel like just giving up or wanting that favorite unhealthy snack, but you can’t give in, especially during the first week. This first week is, in my eyes, the most important and the most life changing. After this week, you’ll see it become easier and easier as your body begins to adjust. You also want to begin to change your diet, but it’s the same as beginning to work out, you want to ease out of the bad habits you may be used to. For example, this upcoming week, I plan on cutting out unhealthy sugars (cookies, chips, all your sweets) and replacing it with high intake of healthy sugar (fruit), I also plan on slowly lowering my carb intake down to 50 net carbs (a low carb diet is considered 20 net carbs and a keto diet is less than 10). I would say I probably eat around 100-150 carbs a day (some healthy, some unhealthy). My goal is to find a happy medium where I can eat healthy, still keep carbs in my diet, and feel good, not bloated nor sluggish. 

The first few days might take a toll on you, you can feel fatigued or more tired than usual and it is normal. I like to focus my workouts the first few days on heavy cardio and abs so you can begin to flush out all the toxins and warm your body up and then end the week with weights targeting specific muscle groups. This is the workout plan that I follow for the first week I step back into the gym: 

Day 1:  1 hour (cardio and abs)

To start, ALWAYS get a nice stretch in to loosen those muscles.

In the gym:

Cardio Warmup

  • Elliptical 15 minutes: if this is your first time on the elliptical, start off on a 0 incline and 0 resistance level and work up to what you feel is your pace. This 15 minutes should be non-stop, no breaks, so don’t kill yourself by putting the incline all the way up or the resistance to where you can’t even move. 

    • Elliptical 10 minutes (more): now this 10 minutes is going to be different. Again, you work at a pace that feels comfortable for you. This last 10 minutes of cardio you will be adding both resistance and incline. Typically, I add 5-6 incline and add resistance to 3 (this also depends on the type of machine). I adjust it to where it feels like I am doing high knees with leg weights almost. These 10 minutes should also be non-stop, but you can work at a slower pace. 


  • Treadmill 15 minutes: if you feel like you can maintain a 15 minute light jog then do it, but if you feel you can’t (I’m with you on that, running is not my thing), then set the treadmill on 3.5, which should be a speed walk pace.

    • Treadmill 10 minutes (more): for these 10 minutes lower your pace down to 3 or 2.5, whichever pace is a more suitable level and add some incline. I like to start on a high incline, usually the highest it goes and every 2 minutes, decrease the incline by 2. 


  • Abs circuit 20 minutes: this can be a rotation between machines and floor exercises. For the ab machines, start at a light weight (20-30lbs) and high repetitions (25-30 reps per set). We’ll start with doing a total of 3 sets (by the end of the week, we’ll be at 5 sets). As you complete each set, increase the weight by 5 lbs and decrease the reps.

    • Floor exercises include: regular crunches (20 reps, 3 sets), bicycle crunches (20 reps, 3 sets), mountain climbers (20 reps, 3 sets), and plank (30 seconds, 3 sets).

  • End with a 5-10 minute stretch, focusing on your legs and your breathing. 

At home:

  • (If possible) walk 25 minutes: if it’s a nice day outside, take a walk outside and try to find a path that has some hills so you can adjust your incline level throughout your walk. Try to keep a ‘speed walk’ pace or a pace where you won’t feel the need to take any breaks. 

  • (if walking is not possible) cardio warm up 25 minutes: if you haven’t heard of Pamela Reif...well let me tell you SUBSCRIBE TO HER CHANNEL! She is my favorite workout youtuber for many reasons. 1. She doesn’t say an intro in her videos like “Hi, welcome to my channel!” and blah blah blah, instead she gets right into the workout, tells you what you have to do, has a timer so you don’t have to keep track yourself, and plays some pretty good songs. Here is the video I use for my cardio warm up:

  • Abs 20 minutes: the great thing about ab exercises is they can be done almost anywhere. We will be doing everything in 3 sets each. Crunches (20 reps, 3 sets), bicycle crunches (20 reps, 3 sets), mountain climbers (20 reps, 3 sets), scissor kicks (20 reps, 3 sets), toe touchers (20 reps, 3 sets), plank (30 seconds, 3 sets). 


  • Another one of my favorites that I have saved:

And yes try to complete both!

  • End with a 5 minute stretch and cooldown.

Your day 1 is now complete! Hallelujah  

Day 2: 1 hour (cardio & glutes)

Again, we always start with a stretch, let's make today 5 minutes since we might be feeling a little sore from yesterday. 

In gym:

Cardio warmup

  • Elliptical 10 minutes: starting on 0 incline and a slight resistance (2-3). No breaks here people! We’re just warming up. 

    • Elliptical 15 minutes (more): notice I adjusted the times from the previous day. This 15 minutes of cardio is going to be just like yesterday, but we know what to expect now. We’re setting our incline to 6-7 and resistance to 4 or if you worked at a lower incline and resistance yesterday, then just increase it by one today. NO BREAKS (unless you need to hydrate). 


  • Treadmill 10 minutes: for my running/treadmill people, let's start with a 2 incline and a 3.5 pace for our warmup. You want to always, even if it's only by .5, increase your setting from the previous day. This is to slowly increase your endurance and stamina.

    • Treadmill 15 minutes (more): incline alllllll the way up and we’re going to do the same thing as yesterday, every 2 minutes decrease by 2. Also, increase your pace, if you did 2.5 yesterday try to do 2.8 today, etc. 

Glute activation 

  • Squats/squat bar: if you have access to a squat bar, start with just the weight from the bar (20 reps), if not, also do 20 reps. Second set, 5 lb weights on each side, 20 reps. Second set without squat bar, 25 reps. Third set, 10 lb weights on each side, (18-20 reps). Third set without a squat bar, 30 reps. 

  • Elevated lunges: first set with squat bar, no additional weights, 10 reps each leg. First set without a squat bar, 10 reps each leg. Second set, 5 lb weights on each side, 10 reps each leg. Second set without a squat bar, 12 reps each leg. Third set, 10 lb weights each side, 10 reps each leg. Third set without a squat bar, 15 reps each leg.

  • Weighted bridges: Using a 15 lb dumbbell right below your waist, 20 reps, 3 sets. Without a dumbbell, 30 reps, 3 sets.

End with more cardio YAY!

  • Stairmaster 10 minutes: you can rotate between side steps and regular steps. 

End with a 10 minute stretch.

At home:

Cardio warmup

  • (If possible) 25 minute walk/jog: if you walked outside yesterday, turn it into a light jog today. I usually jog the straight always on my block and will walk the hills. NO BREAKS!

  • (If not possible) 25 minute cardio warmup: jump rope 5 minutes (if you don’t have a jump rope, fake it till you make it and air jump rope). And yes we’re doing Pamela Reif again!

Glute Activation:

  • The great thing is we can do all the glute workouts that we did in the gym at home, too!

  •  Squats: 20 reps regular squat. Second set, 25 reps. Third set, 30 reps. 

  • Elevated lunges: First set, 10 reps each leg. Second set, 12 reps each leg. Third set, 15 reps each leg.

  • Weighted bridges: Without a dumbbell, 30 reps, 3 sets.

End with a 5 minute stretch.

Day 2 is complete!

Day 3: 1 hour (cardio & arms)

 Let’s start with a 5 minute stretch, focusing on our legs (since they might be sore from yesterday) and our arms.

In the gym:

Cardio Warmup

  • Elliptical 10 minutes: starting on 0 incline and a slight resistance again the same as yesterday. No breaks! 

    • Elliptical 15 minutes (more): We’re setting our incline and resistance higher than it was yesterday. Your body should start getting the hang of things. NO BREAKS, but of course if you feel you need to slow your pace down, but don’t completely stop moving. 


  • Treadmill 10 minutes: Starting again with a 2 incline and a 3.5 pace for our warmup. 

    • Treadmill 15 minutes (more): We are going to start with the incline all the way up again, but instead decrease the incline every 3 minutes. By the end of the 10 minutes, you should not be at a 0 incline.

Arm Circuit

  • Bicep Curls: start with low weight, 2.5-5 lbs, 10 reps each arm, 3 sets. 

  • Tricep Extensions: also starting with low weight, 2.5-5 lbs, 10 reps each arm, 3 sets. 

  • Shoulder press: using 2.5-5 lb dumbbells, 15 reps, 3 sets. 

  • Kneeling one arm rows: using 5 lb dumbbells, 10 reps each arm, 3 sets. 

  • Front and side extensions: using 5 lb dumbbells, 20 reps total, 3 sets.

At home:

Cardio Warmup

  • (If possible) 15 minute walk and 10 minute jog: Let’s warm up those muscles. Try to not take a break and just adjust your speed accordingly.  

  • (If not possible) 25 minute cardio warmup: jump rope 10 minutes (if you don’t have a jump rope, fake it till you make it and air jump rope). And yes we’re doing Pamela Reif again!

    Arm Circuit:

  • Bicep curls with water bottles: We are going to do the same thing as if we were at the gym, but instead of using weights, we can use ice water bottles! 10 reps each arm, 3 sets.

  • Tricep dips: these can be done on the couch, chair, table, etc. 15 reps, 3 sets.

  • Pushups: (not one of my favorites) 10 reps, 3 sets. These can also be modified by putting your knees down. 

  • Pushup position shoulder taps: 10 times each side, 3 sets. 

  • Arm circles: 10 times going forward and 10 times going backward, 3 sets. If you want to make it more advanced, do this exercise while holding the water bottles!

  • Flappy bird:  This exercise is similar to arm circles, except the motion is up and down and in a faster movement. You can also hold the water bottles if you want to feel more of a burn. 30 seconds, 3 sets.

End with a good stretch!

Day 3 is complete! We’re halfway there baby.

Day 4:  45 minutes (cardio & legs)

My favorite day...LEG DAY!!! For leg day, I always start at a comfortable weight and increase the weight and decrease the reps for each set. 

As you probably guessed, let's first stretch it out for 5 minutes!

In the gym:

Cardio Warmup

  • 10 minute jog/run: Today's warmup is shorter than the first half of the week and is going to focus on warming up the muscles in our legs. This should be a nonstop run so maintain a pace that feels most comfortable for you.

Leg Circuit

  • Leg press: For the first set, we are going to start with 30 lbs, 20 reps. For the second set, 45 lbs and 18 reps. The third set, and final set, will be 60 lbs, 15 reps. 

  • Deadlift: Starting off with 10 lbs, 15 reps. Second set is going to be 25 lbs, 12 reps and the third set is going to be 40 lbs, 10 reps. 

  • Leg extension: Starting off at 15 lbs, 15 reps. Second set is going to be 30 lbs, 12 reps and the last set will be 40 lbs and 10 reps.

  • Leg curl: This is going to be the same measurements and repetitions as the leg extension. Starting off at 15 lbs, 15 reps. Second set is going to be 30 lbs, 12 reps and the last set will be 40 lbs and 10 reps.

  • Calf Raises: This is going to focus on low weight and high repetitions, but it will not be changing with each set. The first set will be 10 lbs and 25 repetitions. This first set, your feet should be facing forward. The second set, the weight and repetitions will remain the same, but instead your feet should be facing inward. And the last set, your feet will be facing outward. Doing it like this works all the muscles in your calf. 

This is a shorter workout because we are putting more stress and pressure on our bodies. We are going to end with a 5 minute walk on the treadmill, followed by a 10 minute stretch.

At home:

Cardio Warmup

  • 10 minute jog/run (if possible): Again, this should be done without taking any breaks so maintain a pace that feels comfortable for you.

  • Jump rope 10 minutes: if you are unable to go for a jog, jump roping is just as effective.

Leg Circuit

  • Squats: We’ve done these before! Let’s do 20 reps and 5 sets, yes I said 5. 

  • Squat jump: Same thing...20 reps and 5 sets. If you need to, take 30 second breaks in between. 

  • Leg lifts: 10 reps each leg, 5 sets.

  • Donkey Kicks: 10 reps each leg, 5 sets. 

  • Wall sits: 30 seconds, 5 sets.

  • Calf raises: you can do this on the edge of a step, or you can stand on a book, etc. 20 reps, 3 sets. The first set your feet should be facing forward, second set inward, third set outward.

End with a 10 minute stretch.

You survived leg day! Day 4 is complete.

Day 5: 45 minutes (H.I.I.T)

H.I.I.T stands for high intensity interval training and works the whole body.  

Of course, we start off with a 10 minute stretch. Our bodies are going to be sore after these past few days. 

I always like to do a full body workout after all the weight training sessions are done for the week. If your gym offers H.I.I.T classes, then sign up and take one today! If not, here is my favorite H.I.I.T workout to do!

And we end with another stretch session. Day 5 was simple but tough, too!

We’re almost there! Day 5 is complete.

Day 6: 1 hour (PIYO)

PIYO is a combination of pilates and yoga. Not only will you be stretching your body out with certain yoga techniques, but you’ll also be getting a good workout in as pilates practices strength training using your body weight. 

Today’s exercise does not require any gym equipment so feel free to do it wherever you would like!

Day 6 is now complete!

Day 7: Rest

You made it! 6 days of pushing your body to new limits. Like I mentioned previously, this first week is a crucial part in your workout plan. Going into next week, you’ll find many of the workouts we did are easier, so remember to up the weight or increase the repetitions! Consistency is key!

Stay tuned! I will be making a medium and advanced workout plan to add to the site. Don’t forget to share your progress with me!


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