10 Intentions to Set for the New Year

I’ve never been a fan of “New Years Resolutions” because I feel like too many people stick with it for maybe a month or two MAYBE, and then just give up (I’m also 100% gulity of it). A majority of people’s New Years Resolutions consist of “losing weight”, “going on a diet”, or cutting out bad habits and a lot of times we feel guilty because it’s right after the holidays so of course we indulged in all the deliciousness of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

So, instead of going into this New Year with a list of “resolutions”, we are going to set “intentions” instead. This is my personal list of intentions and affirmations just to give you an idea of things you can include when creating your list:

1. Wake up every morning and say thank you.

It’s the little things that’ll take us so far. Expressing gratitude to start your day makes way for more great things to come your way because if you aren’t grateful for what you have now, why should the Universe send you anything else?

2. Take a minimum of 5 minutes a day to meditate.

No phones, no distractions, just 5 minutes to yourself. Many of us have such busy lives and often forget to be in the moment with ourselves for a second. Find a quiet place, maybe put your headphones in and listen to ocean noises, or they have great mediation music on youtube, and just be within yourself for 5 minutes and if you can do longer, then do it!

3. Make or update your vision board for 2022.

Making a vision board is a great way to visualize your dreams and goals. You can make a vision board with a poster board and pictures or you can create one using the app Canva. I have my vision board as my computer screen saver and on my phone so I have to look at it everyday. The more you look at it and visualize yourself already achieving your dreams and obtaining your goals, the more it will manifest itself.

4. Let go of anything that isn’t meant to be in your life.

“I am accepting of all goods things that come to me and am letting go of all things that aren’t meant for me. I am living a positive, healthy life.” Saying positive affimations everyday strengthens those thoughts inside our head until we no longer question their truth.

5. Have a healthy relationship with body, mind, and soul.

This may seem a little vague, but you can specify what exactly it is when writing your list. This can include letting go of toxic relationships, feeding your body better foods on a more consistent basis, doing activities that will benefit you in the present and future, etc.

6. Praise progress and forget perfection.

This is something I struggle with on a daily basis because I am so hard on myself with a lot of things. It’s about celebrating the little wins because they will lead you to your big win.

7. Be Present

Be present in the moment, each and every chance you can. I have a bad habit of being on my phone 24/7, especially when I’m in creative mode and want to create and post content. I get so absorbed in it that I forget to be present in the moment. This is as simple as putting your phone away for dinner.

8. Keep up with the ones closest to you.

If you can’t see your friends or family for an hour or so a week, make sure you facetime them or call them to catch up. It’s easy to get consumed with work, school, and life, but it’s important to check in with the ones closest to you.

9. Make time for the things that make you happy.

I like to take at least an hour a day to do something that makes me happy, whether that’s me watching an episode of my current favorite TV show or reading a chapter of a book or having a glass of wine. This gives me something to look forward to each and every day.

10. Be Consistent

Consistency is key. Keeping on top of your priorities, your dreams, your goals, etc. Being consistent helps create a routine and stability in all aspects of your life.

Cheers to a happy and healthy New Year!


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