Welcoming in the Full Moon

What is it?

Every 29.5 days, the full moon cycle phase occurs. The next full moon will occur this Tuesday, August 1st and is known as the ‘Super Moon’. In a previous article, we discussed the new moon, its purpose, and how we can reap all the benefits during this phase. The full moon occurs roughly about two weeks after the new moon and brings to fruition the things we manifested during that phase. The full moon is all about letting go of what no longer serves us (therefore, no manifesting should be taking place). If things we manifested during the new moon are no longer serving us or worth our energy, then we let it go during the full moon.

A lot of times during the days leading up to the full moon, you can experience trouble sleeping. Some of these theories are based on the moon’s gravitational pull because our bodies consist of mostly water. Another cool theory is Earth’s electromagnetic field has an affect on us because during the full moon phase, the moon is negatively charged. Research suggests that humans may be sensitive to low-level geomagnetic variations. Pretty cool stuff to think about…


Full Moon Spiritual Practice

  1. First things first: always set the tone, vibe, environment, whatever you want to call it. This includes finding a quiet space, without any distractions (put phone on do not disturb). You can also light some candles or use some essential oils. If you have any crystals, this is the time to charge them under the full moon’s light. Put them outside, if you can, or on your windowsill.

  2. Practice breathwork: this is going to be very important for our meditation session later. Practicing breathwork helps you become more in tune with your mind, body, and soul. It helps calm your nerves or any tension you may have and gets you really in tune with the moment in current time. My go-to breathing method is 4x4x4. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and release for 4 seconds.

  3. What are we letting go?: Before we begin our meditation session, get a pen and paper ready to write down what it is we are releasing and who it is we are forgiving. This can be the hardest part for people because, like myself, I tend to try to avoid some things that I am feeling or just brush it under the rug. Acknowledging what it is that’s bothering you is the first step in, eventually, letting it go. For the people we are forgiving, write “I forgive….” and say it out loud as we feel that negativity and unwanted energy leave us.

  4. Meditate: if you’re not sure how or where to start, I have dropped a “full moon meditation” episode on my podcast that’ll help bring you to the mindset you should be in. It’s only 15 minutes and its purpose is to help you release and refresh. Check it out here!


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