Waxing Vs. Shaving

Ladies and gents, let’s talk about the art of waxing. Yes, maybe you’re completely fine with shaving and have no desire to try waxing and that is totally okay, but I am going to tell you why waxing is my personal preference over shaving and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made.

I started waxing a few years ago and remained consistent each and every month (because of COVID-19 I had to start shaving again which reminded me how much I can’t stand it!). The results between waxing and shaving don’t even compare. Your skin is left smoother when waxing and it lasts up to 4-6 weeks (the more consistently you go, the longer it takes for the hair to grow back). When your hair grows back, it will grow back lighter and softer, unlike shaving where it grows back darker and coarser.


Waxing helps to exfoliate because it completely removes the hair root from the skin and it helps get rid of dead skin cells. You also won’t get those annoying razor bumps or ingrown hairs.


Yes, waxing is painful. It hurts A LOT, especially if you’re doing a brazilian. Sessions range from five to ten minutes for a brazilian. There are two kinds of wax; hard wax and soft wax. The major difference between hard wax and soft wax is the way it is applied and removed. Hard wax is applied to the skin and removed without a strip. It is also said that hard wax is better for sensitive skin types because it removes the hair without tugging at the skin. Soft wax is removed with a strip and is able to remove hair from larger parts of the body better than hard wax.

If it is your first time getting waxed, ALWAYS get blue wax. NOT sugar, NOT chocolate, BLUE WAX, trust me on this one. To help with the pain, make sure they apply powder on the area you are waxing before and after the session. You can also apply coconut oil to help with the inflammation afterwards. You shouldn’t workout right after getting waxed because your pores are still open and sweat can be irritating. This is the same as going in a pool or taking a bath. So wait at least 24 hours before doing either of these.

My personal preference? I have had a brazilian done with both hard wax and soft wax and, to me, I LOVE hard wax and it also lasts much longer (my current sessions can last me up to two months!). But, I also realized a lot of this has to do with the esthetician. Before you get your wax done, make sure you read reviews on the place and the people working there.


When it comes to shaving, there are certain areas that are more convenient to shave rather than wax (such as the underarms). It is also harder during the warmer seasons when more skin is showing to wait the 4-6 weeks until you need to wax again because your hair needs to be a certain length in order for it to be removed (should be as long as a grain of rice). Shaving cuts the hair where it meets the skin. Depending on what razor you use, shaving can also help to remove dead skin cells. If you prefer shaving, I recommend using men’s razors ALWAYS. Men’s razors have sharper blades and they don’t come with fragrance, which can be very irritating on sensitive skin types. If you are also experiencing razor bumps, try using coconut oil as “shaving cream”. This helped me reduce irritation and inflammation when shaving. Waxing lasts up to 6 weeks, where as shaving is usually up to 4 days. You also won’t get that annoying ‘itch’ when the hair begins to grow back if you wax.


Once you have your first session, the pain subsides each and every time. It is also important to make sure you are taking care of the areas you wax after your session is over by using the right exfoliating and moisturizing products. Stay away from any product that has ‘fragrance’ in it as it can easily irritate the skin. And like I mentioned previously, it is important to read the reviews on the place and people you plan on going to. Some places are not certified and may not have the correct experience in order to properly wax. Take the time to research and find the best place before your first time. And remember, beauty is pain, but you’ll fall in love with the results!


New York: State & Presidential Primary Election is happening June 23!


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