Vegan Pistachio Muffins

Total Time: 30 minutes, 10 muffins

I know I say this about every recipe, but these by far are one of my favorites that I’ve made! These pistachio muffins are vegan, replacing the usual egg(s) that you use in baking for a banana. They are quick and easy and can be enjoyed at any time in the day (I had one for breakfast the other day with a cup of tea and honestly *chefs kiss*).



  • Flour

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Baking powder

  • Coconut oil

  • Almond milk (or oat milk)

  • 1 large banana

  • Pistachios (crushed)

  • Almond extract

  • Fresh spinach



  1. Add 1 1/2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a large bowl. Lightly whisk together.

  2. In a blender, add 1/3 cup of melted coconut oil, 2/3 cup of sugar, 1 mashed banana, 1 cup of fresh spinach, 1/2 cup of almond or oat milk, and 1 teaspoon of almond extract. Blend until the mix is of a liquid texture. If the coconut oil begins to harden, put in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.

  3. Slowly and gradually mix your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients. Note: the mix is going to be very thick so continue to stir or fold the wet ingredients until the finished product is of a dough-like consistency.

  4. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Spray muffin tin with your preferred choice of cooking spray so the liners won’t stick and rip. Line your tray, if you don’t fill every spot, fill the remaining with water so the muffins will cook evenly.

  5. While the oven is preheating, take your crushed pistachios and drizzle them on top of your muffins. If you want pistachios throughout the muffin, fold crushed pistachios into your batter before adding to muffin tins.

  6. Bake for 16-18 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

  7. Serve and enjoy!


What I Eat in a Day – Raw Vegan Diet


It’s The Little Things