Secrets to Creating your Happiness

What is the secret to creating happiness? Everyone will have a different answer to this question. Some of us may be in a great position in life and we truly look forward to waking up and tackling the day, while others most exciting part of their day is going to sleep (me, me, and me). So, what is the secret to creating your happiness? It’s science! Specifically, your endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin hormones.

Let’s get into what these hormones are and how we can boost them in our everyday lives…

Hormones are chemicals produced by different glands across the body. They travel through the bloodstream, acting as messengers and playing a part in many bodily processes. 

These “happy” hormones play a huge part in regulating our moods and can induce feelings of positivity, good vibes, and happiness and we can all use a slice of that.


These are our “pain-killer” hormones. They are produced naturally by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress and can act as a pain reliever. 

How to Boost our Endorphins:

Moving your body whether that’s going for a walk or doing any other kind of exercise, yoga, eating dark chocolate (yes, this is backed by scientific studies), and the best, laughing so hard you can’t breathe. 


Also known as the “happy chemical” and has many different functions in the body that aid in our well-being and happiness such as mood, emotions, appetite, and digestion

How to Boost our Serotonin Levels:

Doing things that make us happy connecting our mind, body, and soul. This can include exposure to sunlight (nice weather), meditation, journaling, or reading a book. Think of some of your favorite things to do and make time for at least one every single day.


The “feel-good” hormone. It is a neurotransmitter made in the brain and is released when your brain is expecting a reward.

How to boost Dopamine Levels:

Things that bring you pleasure; sex, eating your favorite foods, retail therapy will all spike your dopamine levels.   


Known as the “love” hormone. It is essential for childbirth, breastfeeding, and strong parent-child bonding and can also help build trust and empathy in relationships.

How to Boost Oxytocin:

Doing all things affectionate; hugging, kissing, cuddling.


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