The Books to Read to Upgrade your Life

When I was younger, I had a passion for reading. Reading and finishing one, sometimes even two books a day. As I got older and more preoccupied with other things going on in life, I rarely picked up a book unless I had to for school. During quarantine, I found that love for reading again and have finished three books within the past few months (which is good considering I can’t remember the last time I finished a book). I have been reading spiritual books that make you really think about life and how we go about it. These books I wished I had read at an earlier age, but it is always better late than never. With so many books to choose from, which one do you start with? Where do you begin? Here is a breakdown and short synopsis of some books to get you started:

The Secret

  • Also a documentary on Netflix, The Secret discusses the universe, manifestation, and the law of attraction. The main idea in this book is the power of your thoughts and how they can change the path of your life. This book is a great book to start off with if you are beginning your spiritual journey, and even if you aren’t on that journey, it’ll open your eyes to a different way of life, a more happy and positive way of life. If you aren’t familiar with these terms, check out my article discussing these topics and their meanings! 

Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind.

The Hidden Messages in Water

  • This is by far one of my favorite books I have read in my entire life. It’s short, but the information inside is so captivating. It really makes you take a step back and evaluate who you are and the image you portray. It describes the pseudoscientific idea that the molecular structure of water is changed by the presence of human consciousness, meaning when you think ugly, negative things, the environment (which can also symbolize you as a person and your thoughts) will reap ugly and negative things. He also shows detailed images of snowflakes and their designs after being exposed to positive statements and negative statements. 10/10 read. 

Understanding that everything exists in this one moment will give hope and light to your life. You no longer need to be troubled by the past, and you can know that the future can be anything that you will it to be. You, as you are, in this very moment hold the key to everything.

The Four Agreements 

  • Another great read! I actually read this book a little over a month ago during a time when life was just not that great and I felt really down. This book is a “guide to personal freedom” within yourself, within friendships, and within relationships. It discusses the “self-limiting” beliefs that we think and may not necessarily recognize because we were surrounded by it growing up. Ultimately, these self-limiting beliefs are robbing us of our happiness and are creating problems or suffering phases that can be avoided. These four agreements are something that should be implemented into your way of life as soon as you put the book down. 

For every moment that is past, the angel of death keeps taking the part that is dead and we keep living in the present. The parasite wants us to carry the past with us and that makes it so heavy to be alive. When we try to live in the past, how can we enjoy the present?

The Mastery of Love

  • I read a lot of mixed reviews about this book and was hesitant to purchase it after how amazing the Four Agreements was, I didn’t want to be let down. Let me tell you, I definitely was not let down. First off, this book made me cry multiple times and each time I cried, I felt like I was releasing feelings that I was holding onto that this book was able to put into words. I also began reading it during a very vulnerable time in my life, where I was questioning “Am I worthy of love?”. From start to finish this book helps you realize the importance of self-love and explains exactly what that looks like. I also know it was meant to be because I finished this book the night before Valentines Day, the day of love, and boy did I feel absolutely fricken amazing and full of self-love and gratitude afterwards.

There is no worse blinde man than the one who doesn’t want to see. There is no worse deaf man than the one who doesn’t want to hear. And there is no worse madman than the one who doesn’t want to understand.
— Ancient Prophet, Don Miguel Ruiz

You are a Badass at Making Money

  • Definitely by far one of my favorite books I have ever read. I felt like this was the perfect time in my life to read this considering I am a senior how in college and working in retail, which I know is not what I want to do in life, however, this book made me realize that my original timeline to success is not a straight path and requires some life changes to be made along the way. Jen Sincero, the author, provides real life success stories about people who manifested their dream job, dream salary, dream life. With a ton of inspirational and motivational quotes, affirmations, and journals throughout the book, one scenario that stuck with me is the story of Jim Carrey, which is the perfect success story and proof that this concepts works if you truly believe and feel it.

I wrote myself a check in 1985 for 10 million dollars for acting services rendered and dated it Thanksgiving 1995. I put it in my wallet and it deteriorated, but right before Thanksgiving in 1995, I found out I was going to make 10 million dollars for Dumb and Dumber.
— Jim Carrey

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