Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

First off, what is manifestation?

The basic definition of manifestation is an emotion, feeling, or desire that is made real. For example, when we think about a specific person and they just so happen to message us right after, it is not a coincidence, it is manifestation and the law of attraction working its magic. This concept is not new to the world but it is a mystery (or a scam as others would say) to many. The law of attraction is being able to attract and grant into our lives whatever it is that we desire. This goes hand in hand with manifestation. I’ve watched so many videos and have read different articles in order to learn more about this topic and how to change some patterns in my life to manifest what I want. The documentary on Netflix called ‘The Secret’ gives a great synopsis of these two concepts and is a 10/10 recommend for both beginners and frequent manifesters.

The secret to life is the law of attraction in which “thoughts become things”. It has been scientifically proven that a positive thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative thought. Everything that is in our life right now, including the things we complain and mull over, we have attracted. Many of us are going to question this and say “Well I didn't want to fail that exam!” or “I didn’t attract a car accident into my life” but in reality you kind of did. This is one of the hardest concepts to grasp, but once it is understood, it is life changing.

Our thoughts control our feelings. We have both good and bad feelings. When we celebrate the good feelings, we draw in more of those feelings and things that overall make you feel good. Ask yourself this, “What am I attracting right now?” If you feel good, then you’re on track with your future and desires. Everything we think and feel is constantly creating our future.

You can begin right now to feel healthy, to feel prosperous, to feel love that’s surrounding you, even if it’s not there. The universe will then correspond to the nature of your song, the nature of that inner feeling and manifest because that’s the way you feel.
— Reverend Dr. Michael Beckworth

When you learn and can fully understand your thoughts and feelings is when you will see how you can be the creator of your life. We can start with the creative process. There are three steps in the creative process:

  1. ASK: the universe what you want.

  2. BELIEVE: that it is already yours.

  3. RECEIVE: the feeling that it is on the way.

If we incorporate this into our lives every single day, we will see a change and we will FEEL the change. Remember, don’t delay, don’t deny, and don’t second guess. There are no rules according to the universe. You provide the feelings of having it now, it will respond. The documentary states two powerful processes we should also incorporate everyday:

  1. GRATITUDE: shifts your energy and your thinking. It will bring more into your life. Once you’re grateful for what you already have, you will attract more good things. I do this every morning when I wake up and right before I go to bed. I recite a list of the things I am grateful for in a journal.

  2. VISUALIZE: when you visualize, you materialize. Only dwell on the end result. Everyday, close your eyes and visualize your goal as if it is already achieved. The best way I found how to do this is is by creating a vision board that I frequently look at. I created it free through the Canva app.

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Not only does a vision board help you visualize your goals, but it also reminds you of them. When I feel defeated or at a loss, I always look at my vision board and remember what it is that I am working so hard to achieve. It completely changes my mood and my thought process.

When you have inspired thought, trust it and act on it. Wealth is a mindset. Focus on abundance and prosperity. These are just some basic knowledge tips on the topic of manifestation and the law of attraction. Make this apart of your everyday routine, but do not make it feel like a chore and I promise you will see changes occurring.


The KETO diet