Learn about Air Signs

Air signs are the possessors of the “virtue of knowledge”. They are intelligent, smart thinkers, and good communicators. They have the ability to rationalize their thinking without getting emotions or feelings involved. They are easily able to view all perceptions of a problem and choose the best direction. Air signs generally know a little something about any topic and are easy to get along with. “Although the element of Air has little emotion or sensitivity, it is the most social element. How is this possible? Air has the ability to objectively appreciate anyone or any group’s thoughts whether or not they agree with them.” They almost always are the life of the party and many people gravitate towards their energy. They also are good at following promises through and won’t leave you hanging.  

Air signs have a tendency to judge themselves harshly and carry themselves to a very high standard in all aspects of their life. It is said that Air signs are almost as “ego-oriented” as Fire signs. Air signs can quickly become mean and hold grudges for long periods of time. Also like Fire signs, they are very opinionated and will not hesitate to state why they are angry or upset. At the worst of it, Air signs can result to violence, both mentally and physically. “The downside of Air is that occasionally, if air remains all "in their head" there’s a chance that it can become mentally imbalanced. That’s when you’ll see an eccentric Air side. If Air over values intellect it can become difficult to live in our physical world.”

Air signs in love like to elevate their partners' mindset. They are great communicators, but it needs to be reciprocated or else an Air sign’s curiosity will take them elsewhere. In order to fully connect with an Air sign, you need to be able to hold a deep, intellectual conversation, a physical connection won’t cut it. Air signs give their all in relationships when they truly feel a connection and they will always make an effort. 

“The gift of Air is flexibility, and their ability to experience life through many prisms. They’re often excellent communicators, storytellers, interpreters and journalists. They link people together socially, and often have a curiosity that keeps them out and about.” 

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Geminis are the “social-butterfly” of the zodiac. Represented by the planet Mercury, the planet that governs “communication, writing , and movement.” Geminis are symbolized by the celestial twins. “This Air sign was interested in so many pursuits that it had to double itself.” They are known to have ‘dual’ personalities which can make it challenging to know which ‘face’ you are talking to. You can never truly know a Gemini to their core, but they can talk to you about anything and everything. The start of Gemini season “ushers in” the heat of summer and helps guide changes and transformation

Geminis are very social and love to spend time with friends and family. They also like to explore other people and hold intellectual conversations. “Without a clear flow of words spoken, they will quickly lose interest in the entire theme of any conversation, and need to stay on the move, feeling inspired and pushed forwards by the information shared.” They quickly and easily move from different friend groups, like a sponge, trying to obtain as much knowledge as they can.

Geminis need a work environment where they can be challenged intellectually and are able to constantly build new social contracts. Their minds are always on the move, therefore they need to be in a career that is not repetitive. They are good at multitasking and can bring new ideas to the table.

Geminis look for solid communication first in relationships and then physical chemistry. They are big flirters who can spend time with many people until they find the one who is able to “match their intellectual energy.” They need passion and excitement in their relationships and once settled down, they are faithful and loyal. 

“The biggest challenge for any Gemini's love life is to find an emotion that lasts, especially as they get older and realize that they are already in a repetitive mode of superficial or disappointing bonds. Their personality doesn't allow much depth, for they are on a mission to spread information, not to dig into them and find mistakes, holes, or resolutions.” Because of Geminis ‘dual’ personalities, they can come off as two-faced as they express their emotions externally without giving much thought. They can become easily distracted, leading them to not finish projects they have already begun.

Gemini moves too fast to care about embarrassing missteps: They simply move on.”

Libra (September 23-October 22):

Libra can be known as the “partner” sign of the zodiac. They rather be in a pair than work alone. This is because their sign is represented by the “scales” (the only inanimate object of the zodiac), looking for balance, symmetry, and harmony in every aspect of their lives. “They are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life it’s the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality.” Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet that governs love, beauty, and money. They prefer luxury things and have expensive tastes in material goods. 

Libras are also very social and communicative with their friends and family. If there is a disagreement going on, a Libra is a good mediator who can explain both sides of the problem. Their issue in building lasting friendship bonds is they set the bar too high, making friends that are no good for them. They won’t realize this until something occurs that’ll open their eyes.

Libras are good workers, but not necessarily good leaders. They have trouble taking initiative and giving directions. With their drive to create balance and equality, they make excellent lawyers. “The key to a happy life is in a fine balance, meaning they will not commit to work without setting apart enough time for their private life and their loved ones, and if they do, they will feel like they need to set free from it.” They balance their spending and saving, not letting their expensive taste get the best of them.

Libra's goal in life is to find a compatible partner. Libra is the sign of “marriage”. Once they find their partner, they are dedicated and always maintaining the peace in the relationship. They can have a hard time with “distant admirers” because of their desire to please everybody. They need a partner who has no problem setting clear, direct boundaries in the relationship.

Libra’s downfall is they are very indecisive and they can find themselves making the wrong decisions or choosing the wrong side in certain situations. They also are weak minded when it comes to confrontation and will do everything in their power to avoid it. “Instead of constantly seeking outside perspectives, Libras would do well to develop (and trust) their own intuition. Their characteristic ambivalence aside, Libras can navigate virtually any social situation, effortlessly resolving conflicts by simply turning on the charm.”

Aquarius (January 20-February 18): 

Aquarius is the last sign in the zodiac. They also are the most humanitarian signs, always wanting to do something good for the world. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the planet that governs innovation and surprising events. “Uranus perfectly mirrors Aquarius's distinctive attitude, complementing the nontraditional nature of these visionary air signs.” They are represented by the water-bearer, the “mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land.” 

Aquarius are opposites compared to the other two air signs when it comes to friends and family. They need their independence and time spent alone. “Closeness to them means vulnerability.” It is hard to get to know an Aquarius, but they would sacrifice themselves for anybody they love. If their expectations of intellect and creativity are not fulfilled in their family or friendships, they will become distant.

An Aquarius needs an environment that isn’t so strict and they are able to express their mind freely. They need a career which “enables a development and demonstration of the concept. Their high intellect combined with their willingness to share their talents, inspires many who work in their environment.”  

Like their fellow Air signs, a Libra needs to be able to have an intellectual deep conversation with their partners before they decide if they are interested in them. In a relationship, they are not so “on-top” of their partners and will give them their independence and consider them “equals”. “Openness, communication, imagination and willingness to risk are the qualities that fit well in the perspective of life of this zodiac sign.”

The most important thing in life for an Aquarius is freedom. They need time on their own to reflect, think, and form new ideas. They have a hard time opening up and expressing their feelings which can make it difficult for the person who is trying to get to know them. They view “challenges to their independence as power-hungry attempts to control them.” They are concerned about others and what is going on in the world and they see themselves as one link in the continuous human chain.    


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