The Books to Read for Self-Love
As an avid reader, I have always been into the fiction love stories or horror genre books, even the occasional biography or auto-biographies growing up. I am now in my twenties and reading books about self love, self worth, or anything that helps me view things in a different perspective and enhance my mind while lowering my ego. This is my current binge genre and, in all honesty, I don’t even know what that genre would be summarized as. So let’s dive into some of my favorite books that have helped me love myself a little bit more each time.
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A book about the journey of self-love, the ups and downs, and learning to appreciate all the things, feelings, and everything in between to loving everything that makes you YOU.
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Mastering the art of gratitude and learning about the power of positive reinforcement. The theory that talking positively and expressing gratitude can help self-heal, self-help, and increase your overall self-love.
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A book made up of short poems ranging in topics from healing to letting go to forgiveness and all things that’ll help you love yourself a little more.
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A story about a boy and his journey on his quest to find his treasure, not realizing that the most important about his quest is not the treasure, but the journey itself.
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A book about self-sabotage and dealing with change. Only you stand in the way of becoming your best self so it’s time to put the work in to break these bad habits.