Welcoming in the New Moon


What is it?

On Tuesday, December 12th, we will be welcoming in the New Moon in Sagittarius. The new moon cycle is important because it represents new beginnings. This energy is so radiant that you can feel it up to three days prior and three days after. So, what is its main spiritual purpose and how do we benefit from it?

The spiritual purpose of the new moon is to start something new and to reassess your goals and set new intentions. As the moon goes through its cycle, your intentions you set during the new moon should begin to come full circle by the end of the cycle. Manifesting on the new moon is ultimately setting your foundation to make those dreams come true. And it’s okay if those intentions you set during this phase don’t last through the cycle! That’s what the full moon is for. Letting go of what doesn’t serve us.

New Moon Spiritual Practice

First thing to do is write down your intentions. If you don’t have a journal (I definitely recommend getting one. I use JoyNote on Amazon), then grab a piece of paper and create a list of tangible things that can be accomplished during this months moon cycle. This list is going to be crucial for your manifesting so make sure to always keep it close.

Second, set the vibe in your surronding enviornment. Whether that’s lighting candles, grabbing your crystals, or using some essential oils, make sure you’re in a quiet, calm setting to do your manifesting/meditation.

Third, take a new moon ritual bath. It is recommended to add pink himalaya salt to your bath for deeper manifesting and to take the bath at night when the moon is out. The bath signifies the connection between the body and the moon. While in the bath, imagine what it would be like to have already achieved all your intentions or goals written down on your list. Don’t let any negativity come through or any mental blocks. No “what if’s?” questions should take over you. You can also listen to 528hz manifestation frequency on YouTube. As the water drains, think of it as all the things that didn’t serve you in the previous cycle are now gone and it’s time for a new beginning.


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